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Channel: JimmyBODougherty
Stamping Concrete. The pour is 4 inches thick, with 1/2 inch rebar on 24 inch centers. Adobe Buff hardener is applied when the surface has been floated and the surface water has evaporated, The Quarry Red Release is applied next. Both of these agents along with the gray of the concrete contribute to the final color. After thee weeks the concrete will be powerwashed to remove excess product. Then the concrete will be sealed with a matt sealer. The entire floor slopes to permit water drainage from the slab.
Chris Coulter did not apply the coloring agent correctly. He threw Adobe Buff on first. It wasn’t enough to color the concrete and because he used his hand, the concrete had lumps of product that blemished the finish with pock marks. The Quarry Red should have been the coloring agent. Instead he used it as the release product that goes on last to keep the mats from sticking. When the slab was power washed off, the concrete had hardly any color at all. The yellow was barely visable and the Quarry Red went into the ground. The final color looks bland and washed out.
Chris Coulter, Front Range Concrete and Landscaping of Colorado Springs Colorado did the work. When the slab was power washed clean a truckload of blemishes became visible. So many things were wrong with the way Chris stamped and colored this concrete was stamped that a new video is being made to show the results. Chris did what any normal contractor with no scrupples would do. He took a hike and hasn’t been seen in these parts since.
For tips on how to apply colorant see Brickform’s training videos.
Video length: 7:44
Category: Howto & Style
* This video was originally published here
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